Excerpts from Wikipedia article Zolon

 Zoloni was an advanced sapient species which existed some time between 62,000BC and 52,000BC. Remnants of their civilization were discovered on the planet Occilia, referred to by the zolons as Valowei.
 Their technology had advanced to near-modern levels while remaining locked to their star system. This is, in part, due to the abundance of magic present on their planet. Upon arriving, researchers found that every species there possessed some variety of magic ability. Whether it was always this way or the non-magical species were weeded out by evolution is still under study.
 Recovered records indicate zolons themselves possessed some kind of intelligence or mental magic, allowing them to tune in to the minds of the creatures around them to befriend and command. If a zolon needed to cool down, they might tune into a nearby ice imp to have them use their ability to gently cool them.
 Anatomically, the zolon body consisted of several limb segments and a “head’. Limb segments consisted of a roughly half-meter wide trunk, on either side of which are roughly 2 meter limbs which terminate with a tough-skinned extremity that serves for both mobility and manipulation. These segments attached to each other and, eventually, to the head. The head is where all essential biological functions took place: Breathing, eating, defecation, etc.
 The limb segments, if damaged, could be removed or shed, at which point the next segment (or the head, if the segment in question is attached to the head) would quickly scab over and begin growing a new segment. The heart, located in the head, of course needed to pump blood to each segment, limiting how many could be attached. Most zolon maintained 5 to 8 segments, with some having up to 20, and the number of segments was seen as something of a status symbol.
 Zolons worshiped beings they referred to as primordials. These beings are analogous to ancient polytheistic human religions, where each god commanded certain domains, powers, or concepts. However, the primordials worshiped by the Zolons seemed to each be associated with one specific type of magic, rather than having multiple domains.
 The cause of the demise of zoloni is still being investigated. No obvious signs of climate disaster, extinction event, or mass warfare is present on the planet. However, some of the few remaining clues show that there was some amount of panic before the species met its untimely end.