Excerpts from A Brief Introduction to Non-Human Sapients, For Humans chapter “Wridids”, Part 1

 Wridids were the 5th species discovered by humanity. Their body is a nearly perfect sphere from 1.1 to 1.4 meters in diameter, and they move by rolling around. Covering this sphere are shallow holes which contain retractable limbs, the ends of which contain three appendages analogous to fingers. When they want to stop rolling, they can extend some of these limbs near the ground to hold them in place. Dozens of limbs can be used at the same time, allowing them to perform complex tasks any other species would have trouble performing. Their minds are also built for this, they can multitask with great efficiency.
 In fact, efficiency defines how they evolved mentally. Relative to other sapient species, they have one of if not the best minds for logistics. However, they lack curiosity and inventiveness. They were one of the few species discovered by humans that had a lower technology level than them, and their records indicated they’ve existed as sapients for much longer.
 This is not to say their intelligence is low, far from it in fact. As mentioned previously, they’re capable of mentally managing many tasks at once and performing complex calculations. Their minds are just such that they tend to think “How can we most effectively use what we have available to us?” rather than “How can we create something which will be more effective than what we already have?” Furthermore, they’re reluctant to use devices such as computers when they believe they can perform the same tasks a computer can do themselves. Because of this, to this day many of their machines are manually controlled rather than automatic.
 They have no sight, instead their limbs are sensitive to sound waves, temperatures, and air pressure, allowing them to visualize the outside world in a 360 degree view. This makes their long range “vision” bad to non-existent. For their military, the gantu helped create devices which extend their sight farther by feeding far-off information into their appendages.